The Latest News for Uvita, Costa Rica

Uvita gives all indicators of being the area where commercial, social and cultural happenings will be centered in the future. This is important to the topic of real estate and investment concerns. Early recognition of a trend can help to position oneself well for future payoffs. From where Rod & I sit in our front row office, Uvita could be one of the most beautiful little coastal hamlets in the world. Everything grows here, especially the truly exotic varieties of flora that the Earth has to offer. Why the town resembles more of a strip mall than an exotic tropical oasis is a bit difficult to understand.
We are happy to discover that other Zone residents feel the same way. We received a request to post this announcement in our front window: “United We Can Achieve” – The Development Association of Uvita. This newly organized group of residents is pulling together a new idea they call, “The Boulevard” project.